Voters Decide with their Vote
“You had the Power all along, My Dear.”
Glinda – The Good Witch
The Heart of Democratic Renewal is You!
12 Years Maxx™ – Individuals making a Grand Statement
This is a clarion call to revolutionize the halls of Congress regardless of Party Affiliation. Term Limits are NOT a New Idea. It’s an idea that’s been working it’s way through the United States of America since the ratification of the 22nd Amendment that limits the terms or the President.
12 Years Maxx™ is YOU taking Action!
Congress isn’t going to Act
The 27th Amendment (Congressional Compensation Act of 1789) is the latest Amendment to be ratified – one of the first to be proposed with the Bill of Rights, and it took 202 Years for it to happen.
Why? You may ask…because it’s the Amendment that says…
“No Law, varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and Representatives, shall take effect, until an election of Representatives shall have intervened.”
What that Means
In other words – Congress can’t Vote themselves a raise that takes effect until After the Next Representative Election. Our Congress had the ability to vote themselves immediate raises until a 20 Year Old University of Texas – Austin Student took up a ONE PERSON CAMPAIGN to have the 27th Amendment Ratified by the States.
The Strange Saga of the 27th Amendment: (Read More)
The Saga of the 27th Amendment highlights the unstoppable force of citizen action.
You – Are the Force
The “12 Years Maxx™ ” campaign harnesses this force, empowering us, the voters, to demand a Congress that Evolves, Refreshes, and Truly Represents U.S.
Previous Movements
There have been, and still are, several endeavors seeking to impose Term Limits. These movements are in a quagmire of stagnation because they’re asking Congress to regulate themselves and it’s akin to asking the Fox to guard the Hen House.
The Constitution –
We the People – Means something.
We the People
We have the power.
The power to make changes and the power to go another way.
Champion “12 Years Maxx™ ”
A Vital step towards ensuring our Congress truly represents us and remains dynamic and accountable is by casting your vote for candidates who have not exceeded the Citizens Term Limit of “12 Years Maxx™ ”.
Why “12 Years Maxx™ ”
“12 Years Maxx™ ”isn’t just a slogan – It’s a call for equality in service, aligning Senators, with their 6-year terms, and Representatives, with their 2-year terms, under one unified standard. This ensures that no member of Congress serves more than what is equitable, putting them on equal footing with the Presidency and embodying true democratic renewal.
How can YOU make a Difference?
It’s simple and We the People make it complex. Know who’s running for office, if they have been in office for more than 12 years, vote for the other candidate. You may not LIKE the other candidate, and if there were Constitutional Term Limits, you wouldn’t have the choice of the incumbent candidate as well. Make the Tough Choice today, regardless of Party Affiliation… and send the message.
Your Support
We ask that you support through small donations this movement to spread the word. Your donation fuels the fire of a movement that will make “12 Years Maxx™ ” not just an idea, but a reality.
What’s Next
Be in the Know
Know who’s running for office. When you vote with the stand “12 Years Maxx™ ”, you’re sending the message for Term Limits. Until Congress Acts upon itself, it’s up to US to make the tough decisions.